My anxiety journal

Over 40 millions of adults in the U.S have an anxiety disorder. It is a persistent feeling of fear and worry accompanied sometimes by physical feelings of pounding racing heart, stomach issues, fatigue, headaches, and sleep disturbances.

A mix of environmental factors and genetics are responsible for your anxiety, and in some cases, a medical condition could be the cause. There are many types of anxiety including: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD, phobias, and social anxiety. This description folks, is an underestimation of what having an anxiety disorder feels like and of course, it varies from person to person.

With my patients, I describe anxiety as a “tiger in the room”. It makes you panic, you feel the fear, your hands are sweaty, and you cannot catch your breath. The most disturbing fact is that no one else can see it!!! My patients love this description. They always claim that is the most accurate description they have ever heard and ask how did I come up with it . I tell them ” It is because I have a tiger too, and it is right next to me” !
I have been struggling with anxiety most of my adult life due to a medical condition and probably genetics. Besides my “God sent supplements” I take daily, what has helped me the most is to look at my anxiety in a different manner. I see my anxiety as my “childish annoying sister”. As the annoying family member that I cannot get rid off and I have to learn to live with it. Seeing anxiety in this way have decreased the fear I used to have when I felt it coming. It has taught me to pay attention to it, to recognize why “she” is throwing a tantrum, and like when people throw tantrums, “she” wants my attention and she won’t stop until I give it to her.

During the next few weeks, I will give you some strategies to tame the “tiger”. I say tame it  because as a family member, chances are that you will have to learn to deal with it most of your life. Another truth is that, if tamed, anxiety could be a great tool for problem solving, solution focus mentality, and even success.
Stay tuned!!!

Vanessa Alba
Licensed Marriage and family Therapist

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